Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Module 11 : Art Gallery Visit #2

Step 1: The Exhibition
Questions about the exhibit:
1. What is the title of the exhibit?
The title is Artists seen: Photographs of Artists in the 21st century a project by David Moog. 
2. What is the theme of the exhibition?
Photos of Artists from the 21st Century in Western New York. 
Step 2: The Gallery
Questions about the physical space:1. What type of lighting is used?
Black and white and its of the artists so its a bright black and white and making sure their faces are shown perfectly. 
2. What colors are used on the walls?
White backgrounds of the photos hanging there. 
3. What materials are used in the interior artchitecture of the space?
Just the photos are there being shown. 
4. How is the movement of the viewer through the gallery space?
Showing all the artists and making sure they are all there to be seen. 
Step 3: The Artwork
Questions about the artwork:
1. How are the artworks organized?
Straight up and down. 
2. How are the artrworks similar?
There showing just people being themselves and laughing sometimes and being the artist they are. 
3. How are the artworks different?
They aren't really that much different, they are doing different poses and some of them are up close and some from a far. 
4. How are the artworks framed?
Not much framing he was making sure the pictures were on the walls. 
5. How are the artworks identified and labeled?
Who the artists is and the framing of it and how big it is. 
6. What is the proximity of the artwork to each other?
Mostly all the same size. Next to each other. 
Step 4: Art Criticism Exercise
Select three of the artworks from the show and use the Art Criticism worksheet to desribe, analyze, bracket and interpret the work using the 5-step Art Criticism Process described. (see the sheet in the module folder)

Take pictures of the images you are interpreting. If this is not allowed, make quick sketches of the pieces.

 1.    Be receptive - Keep an open mind.  Look for what is good.  No put-downs allowed.

2.    Description – Describe what you see.  (subject matter)?

3.    Formal analysis – (form)  What principles and elements were used and how are they used?

4.  Bracketing - Is there anything in or about this work that reminds you of anything else? Do you see any symbols, metaphors, or allegories?  (iconography)

5.  Interpretation - (content)  What do you think the artist was trying to say?

David Moog (b. 1944), Joseph P Butera, 2015; Archival inkjet print, 20 x 15 inches; Gift of the artist, copyright David Moog, 2015

David Moog (b. 1944), Allie Brady, 2015; Archival inkjet print, 20 x 15 inches; Gift of the artist, copyright David Moog, 2015

David Moog (b. 1944), Nancy Belfer, 2015; Archival inkjet print, 20 x 15 inches; Gift of the artist, copyright David Moog, 2015

These are the three artworks I picked from the exhibit. I see three people from all different ages, their happy, their all different from each other. The others in the exhibit are all so different and they all look so happy as I can see.  They are made all the same by the black and white color of the photos, they are grouped in the same categorize because they all do the same things. it just reminds me of someone posting their own photos somewhere online for us to see.  The artist was trying to show that these artists are all the same to each other and we can look at them the same way as he sees them. 

Step 5: Document Your Visit

1. Make sure all questions/answers from Step 1-3 are posting to your Blog.
2. Make sure you upload images of the 3 pieces of artwork you are interpreting to your Blog or Photobucket account. (If in Photobucket, be sure to hyperlink to Photobucket from your Blog posting).
3. Make sure you upload images that document your visit and experience of the physical space. If you cannot take pictures, upload your pictures, scan in the brochure images, or hyperlink to the Gallery website from your Blog.
4. Answer this question:What did you think of visiting the Gallery and purposefully looking at the exhibition from a different perspective - the physical space, the architecture, theme, etc.?
I really like going and going at all of the artworks there and seeing that half of the artists there are from this area which is really nice, I also like that we get a discount on the price because we are students at buffalo state. I also like how the Gallery is set up inside because of how normal and its not much color but all the color comes from the works of art there which is really amazing. 

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